The mission of Southeast Asia Opportunities is to do evangelism, discipleship and church planting among the unengaged unreached peoples of Southeast Asia, the edge.
Are you looking for short-term mission trips with a long-term impact? Do you want a trip that is flexible to your calling? Southeast Asia Opportunities (SEA OPS) is inviting you on an adventure to Southeast Asia for a trip specifically designed to do what the Holy Spirit is leading you to do. SEA OPS will be flexible to how long the trip is and what the trip’s mission objectives are according to God and His leading through prayer by the team and SEA OPS leadership. There are many volunteer ministry options ranging from teaching in the cities, evangelism among hill tribe people, passing out Bibles and tracts, doing VBS, to helping in a local day care or Christian kindergarten and on and on. Whatever your gift and your calling is, SEA OPS wants to facilitate the Lord’s will in your life and have a long-term impact among the lost peoples of Southeast Asia with the help of short-term workers. Are you ready? Can you see yourself engaging the unknown and moving forward into the Father’s will for you? If so, click here and let’s go!
Southeast Asia Opportunities
(SEA Ops) is interested in helping to
facilitate teams with varying interests and we praise God that He has provided a way
do just that. Since moving to Thailand, SEA Ops has become integrally involved with
Grace Church, Ubon. Because of that involvement we are able to facilitate teams that
interested in helping churches with their local ministries, local evangelism, and
church based ministry/missions. Ubon Ratchathani City has approximately 2,000,000
people, of which only 2,000 are believers. That is a TINY percentage and the
here need help reaching all those lost folks!
Ministry/Missions work is much easier to do here in Thailand and would be a great
introductory trip for those who are wanting to get started in missions work
Unlike Laos, there are no governmental restrictions in Thailand providing many
opportunities for you to make a lasting impact! Like what? Missions opportunities
include VBS, Backyard Bible Clubs, Street Evangelism, Drama, Preaching Rallies in
Central Park, or working with Kid’s Clubs at GCU church plants. For Pastor’s and
Teachers, opportunities include leading Pastoral Training Seminars and seminars for
Church Leaders, among others. The list could go on and on! Pray about it and see how
Father leads you to become involved with Southeast Asia Opportunities – Thailand.
more information on people groups in Thailand click here.
Laos is one of the few
countries that is still deep in the clutches of
a communist government–a government that persecutes believers, limits and controls
access to the Gospel and seeks to keep the Gospel of our Lord Jesus from spreading.
Southeast Asia Opportunities (SEA Ops) wants to make an eternal difference in the
of unengaged and unreached people groups in southern Laos and we need YOUR help to
The spiritual and physical needs in Laos are HUGE! Out of the 150 people groups, 138
considered unreached by the Gospel and many of those remain totally unengaged. That
means over 6,000,000 of the total population of 7,025,000 have yet to hear of our
Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. SEA Ops is focusing on eight of those UUPG’s and the
conditions there have led us to develop and refine our project work involing local
believers to impact those peoples. The work in Laos is risky, living conditions are
harsh and sometimes primitive, and traveling is difficult. But it will be worth it
see that unengaged peoples become engaged and reached with the Gospel! And oh the
that you and/or your team will be able to share together as those who have never
move towards being reached with the Good News of Jesus Christ! To read more about
spiritual state of Laos click
This mission is governed by the leadership of God’s Holy Spirit in all things and an unwavering commitment to His Word as the only authority for faith and practice.
If any of you reading these truths have questions, need Biblical references or would like to discuss any of them please feel free to contact me.
So, praise God, are you ready to get started? There are a multitude of opportunities for ministry in Southeast Asia. This could prove to be the adventure of a lifetime! Please fill out the form below letting us know of your interest and/or of any questions you may have. We will contact you as soon as possible and hope to be able to discover how God will use you, your team, your church in reaching the peoples of South East Asia for Jesus!!
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